January 28, 2010
Currently in: Changable
Next destination: Unknown
April 16, 2009
Recovering from: Fencing World Championships
Next destination: Israel
Developing: More parallel compilers
September 3, 2008
Recovering from: Discworld Convention
Next destination: Florida
June 3, 2008
Organizing: TechAdventure
Returning from: Israel
Destination: DC
Anarres::Mud::Driver is a language frontend for translating LPC into Perl. It is intended to support a fairly strict typed variant of LPC lying somewhere between that supported by MudOS-A2 and that supported by DGD. It comprises a lexer, parser, semantic checker and code generator with some runtime support libraries.
This project has been superceded by the iengine project. The Perl VM is not a suitable target for general purpose programming.